The student ministry of today shapes the health of the Church tomorrow. That's why we count it our pleasure to invest in the faith of the 6th-12th grade students of Warren County.
FCC Teens News
Youth Group Sundays 6pm-8pm
Current Series: Influencers by Phil Howe

The adolescent and teenage years are filled with important self-discoveries and an emerging understanding of the larger world. We want to help students grow through this season with faith-based guidance. Our process is guided by 5 core values:
Biblical Literacy: Helping students effectively read and understand God's Word.
Community Belonging: encouraging meaningful, God-honoring relationships with people who care
Personal Faith: Helping students know Christ in a personal and ever-deepening way.
Heart of Worship: Developing a lifestyle of praise for our creator
Engaged in Mission: Using how God made me to better serve Him.
Everything we teach and do is designed to emphasize one or more of these values. Through this approach, we strive to see faithful believers enter into the young adult years of their life with a confident and competent faith.